Appeals in Family Cases in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Appeals in Family Cases in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Appeals in Family Cases in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Appeals in Family Cases in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Guide

Navigating the legal system, especially in family matters, can be complex. This guide explores appeals in family cases within the Pakistani legal framework.

Right to Appeal

Section 12 of the Family Courts Act, 1964, grants you the right to appeal a Family Court decision, with exceptions.

Exceptions to Appealability

  • Interim Orders: Temporary decisions, like maintenance or custody arrangements, are not appealable. You can challenge them through a constitutional petition.
  • Maintenance Orders Below Rs. 5,000: Appeals are not allowed for these orders.

Appeal Process

  1. Filing an Appeal: File within 30 days of the judgment or decree.
  2. Grounds for Appeal: Clearly state why you dispute the lower court's decision.
  3. Appeals Court: Appeal to the District Court (unless specific exceptions apply).
  4. Procedure: The appellate court reviews arguments and records, and may request additional evidence or witnesses. It can uphold, modify, or send the case back for retrial.

Second Appeal

The Act does not allow a second appeal. You may petition the Supreme Court in exceptional circumstances.

Timeframe for Appeals

Appeals must be decided within four months by the appellate court.

Important Points to Remember

  • Consult a family law lawyer.
  • Gather evidence and documents.
  • Present clear and concise arguments.
  • Maintain emotional composure and patience.


Understanding appeals in family cases empowers you. Seek legal advice and follow procedures for the best possible outcome.


This is informational only, not legal advice. Consult a qualified legal professional for specific advice.

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