Section 540 of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 | Recalling the Witness

Section 540 of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 | Recalling the Witness

Section 540 of Criminal Procedure Code 1898 | Recalling the Witness

 A comprehensive explanation of recalling witnesses under Section 540 of the Criminal Procedure Code 1898 (CrPC), incorporating insights from Pakistan's legal system:

Key Points of Section 540 CrPC:

  • Discretionary Power: Courts have the discretion to summon new witnesses, examine those present, or recall and re-examine witnesses already examined, at any stage of a criminal inquiry, trial, or proceeding.
  • Mandatory Duty: Courts must summon or recall witnesses if their evidence appears essential to a just decision in the case.
  • Purpose: To ensure a complete and fair trial by allowing courts to access all relevant evidence.

Process for Recalling Witnesses:

  1. Application: A party (prosecution or defense) can file an application with the court, stating the reasons for recalling the witness and the evidence they're expected to provide.
  2. Court's Consideration: The court evaluates the application's merits, considering factors like:
    • Relevance of the witness's testimony
    • Potential impact on the case's outcome
    • Procedural fairness
    • Any delay or prejudice caused by the recall
  3. Order: If the court finds the application justified, it orders the witness's recall for re-examination.

Relevant Case Laws from Pakistan:

  • Jamatraj Kewalfi Govani v. State of Maharashtra (AIR 1968 SC-178): Emphasizes the court's duty to recall witnesses under Section 540 if their evidence is crucial for a just decision.
  • Karam Din (supra): Reaffirms the court's power to recall witnesses at any stage to reach the truth.

Additional Considerations:

  • Cross-Examination: Both parties have the right to cross-examine a recalled witness.
  • Expense and Delay: Courts may consider the expense and delay caused by recalling witnesses.
  • Abuse of Process: Courts can prevent abuse of process by disallowing applications for recall if they're frivolous or intended to delay proceedings.

Remember: It's essential to consult with a legal professional in Pakistan for specific advice on applying Section 540 in a particular case, as judicial interpretations and procedures can evolve.

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