Pakistan Penal Code MCQs: Forgery, Counterfeiting, and Fraud

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs: Forgery, Counterfeiting, and Fraud

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs

1. What does Section 463 of the Pakistan Penal Code deal with?

A) Forgery

2. Which section deals with making a false document?

B) Section 464

3. What is the punishment for forgery under the Pakistan Penal Code?

A) Section 465

4. Which section deals with forgery of valuable security, will, etc.?

B) Section 467

5. What is the purpose of forgery under Section 468?

A) Cheating

6. Which section covers forgery for the purpose of harming reputation?

A) Section 469

7. What is defined as a forged document under Section 470?

C) A document made or possessing counterfeit seals

8. What does Section 471 address?

A) Using forged documents as genuine

9. Which section covers the intent to commit forgery punishable under Section 467?

A) Section 472

10. What does Section 474 address?

B) Counterfeiting device used for documents other than those described in Section 467

11. What does Section 475 cover?

A) Counterfeiting device for authenticating documents described in Section 467

12. Which section covers counterfeiting devices for documents other than those in Section 467?

B) Section 476

13. What does Section 477-A cover?

A) Falsification of accounts

14. Which section deals with fraudulent cancellation or destruction of a will?

A) Section 477

15. What does Section 468 address in relation to forgery?

A) Forgery for purpose of cheating

16. What section covers possessing counterfeit marked material for documents other than those described in Section 467?

B) Section 476

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