MCQs on Pakistan Penal Code: Chapter XVII Criminal Trespass

MCQs on Pakistan Penal Code: Chapter XVII Criminal Trespass

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs

  1. What is defined under Section 441 of the Pakistan Penal Code?
    • A. House-trespass
    • B. Criminal trespass
    • C. Lurking house-trespass
    B. Criminal trespass
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  2. Section 442 deals with which type of trespass?
    • A. Lurking house-trespass by night
    • B. House-breaking by night
    • C. House-trespass
    C. House-trespass
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  3. Which section defines Lurking house-trespass?
    • A. Section 443
    • B. Section 444
    • C. Section 445
    A. Section 443
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  4. Lurking house-trespass by night is defined under which section?
    • A. Section 445
    • B. Section 444
    • C. Section 446
    B. Section 444
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  5. House-breaking is defined in which section of the Pakistan Penal Code?
    • A. Section 446
    • B. Section 445
    • C. Section 447
    B. Section 445
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  6. Which section deals with House-breaking by night?
    • A. Section 447
    • B. Section 448
    • C. Section 446
    C. Section 446
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  7. Punishment for criminal trespass is specified under which section?
    • A. Section 447
    • B. Section 448
    • C. Section 449
    A. Section 447
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  8. Section 448 specifies punishment for which type of trespass?
    • A. Criminal trespass
    • B. House-trespass
    • C. Lurking house-trespass
    B. House-trespass
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  9. House-trespass in order to commit an offence punishable with death is defined in which section?
    • A. Section 449
    • B. Section 450
    • C. Section 451
    A. Section 449
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  10. Under which section is House-trespass in order to commit an offence punishable with imprisonment for life defined?
    • A. Section 451
    • B. Section 450
    • C. Section 452
    B. Section 450
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  11. House-trespass in order to commit an offence punishable with imprisonment is covered under which section?
    • A. Section 451
    • B. Section 452
    • C. Section 453
    A. Section 451
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  12. Which section defines House-trespass after preparation for hurt, assault or wrongful restraint?
    • A. Section 452
    • B. Section 453
    • C. Section 454
    A. Section 452
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  13. Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking is specified under which section?
    • A. Section 453
    • B. Section 454
    • C. Section 455
    A. Section 453
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  14. Which section covers Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking in order to commit an offence punishable with imprisonment?
    • A. Section 454
    • B. Section 455
    • C. Section 456
    A. Section 454
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  15. Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking after preparation for hurt, assault or wrongful restraint is defined under which section?
    • A. Section 455
    • B. Section 456
    • C. Section 457
    A. Section 455
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  16. Punishment for lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night is covered under which section?
    • A. Section 457
    • B. Section 456
    • C. Section 458
    B. Section 456
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  17. Which section deals with Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night in order to commit an offence punishable with imprisonment?
    • A. Section 457
    • B. Section 458
    • C. Section 459
    B. Section 458
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  18. Under which section is Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night after preparation for hurt, assault, or wrongful restraint defined?
    • A. Section 458
    • B. Section 459
    • C. Section 460
    C. Section 460
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  19. Which section specifies punishment for hurt caused while committing lurking house-trespass or house-breaking?
    • A. Section 460
    • B. Section 461
    • C. Section 462
    A. Section 460
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  20. Section 461 deals with:
    • A. Dishonestly breaking open receptacle containing property
    • B. House-trespass in order to commit offence punishable with death
    • C. Persons jointly concerned in lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night
    A. Dishonestly breaking open receptacle containing property
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  21. The punishment for the offence when committed by a person entrusted with custody is defined under which section?
    • A. Section 462
    • B. Section 461
    • C. Section 460
    A. Section 462
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  22. Which section is related to persons jointly concerned in lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night?
    • A. Section 459
    • B. Section 460
    • C. Section 461
    C. Section 461
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