Pakistan Penal Code MCQs: Criminal Misappropriation of Property (Sections 403 & 404)

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs: Criminal Misappropriation of Property (Sections 403 & 404)

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs

Chapter XVII: Of Criminal Misappropriation of Property

1. Which section of the Pakistan Penal Code deals with the dishonest misappropriation of property?

  1. Section 401
  2. Section 402
  3. Section 403
  4. Section 404
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Section 403

2. Which section of the Pakistan Penal Code deals with the dishonest misappropriation of property possessed by a deceased person at the time of his death?

  1. Section 401
  2. Section 402
  3. Section 403
  4. Section 404
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Section 404

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