Pakistan Penal Code Chapter XVII: MCQs on Criminal Breach of Trust with Answers

Pakistan Penal Code Chapter XVII: MCQs on Criminal Breach of Trust with Answers

Pakistan Penal Code MCQs

Pakistan Penal Code - Chapter XVII: Of Criminal Breach of Trust

1. Under which section of the Pakistan Penal Code is criminal breach of trust defined?

  • a) 404
  • b) 405
  • c) 406
  • d) 407

b) 405

2. What is the punishment for criminal breach of trust under section 406?

  • a) Imprisonment for life
  • b) Fine
  • c) Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or with both
  • d) Death penalty

c) Imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to seven years, or with fine, or with both

3. Under which section is criminal breach of trust by carrier defined?

  • a) 406
  • b) 407
  • c) 408
  • d) 409

b) 407

4. Which section deals with criminal breach of trust by clerk or servant?

  • a) 407
  • b) 408
  • c) 409
  • d) 410

b) 408

5. Which section of the Pakistan Penal Code addresses criminal breach of trust by a public servant, or by a banker, merchant, or agent?

  • a) 408
  • b) 409
  • c) 410
  • d) 411

b) 409

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