Cheques as Security: Civil vs. Criminal Proceedings Under Section 489-F PPC

Cheques as Security: Civil vs. Criminal Proceedings Under Section 489-F PPC

2016 769 Lhr - Legal Case Summary

2016 769 Lhr - Legal Case Summary

Table of Contents

Section 489-F PPC

This section criminalizes the act of issuing a cheque dishonestly which is dishonored upon presentation.

Case Summary

Context: The cheque in question was issued as a security.

Legal Principle: It was established that the recovery of the amount represented by the cheque could not be effected through criminal proceedings under Section 489-F PPC.

Outcome: The accused, who was seeking pre-arrest bail, had their bail confirmed by the court.

Key Points

Cheque Issued as Security: In this case, the cheque was not issued for the immediate repayment of a loan or fulfillment of an obligation but as a security, likely to ensure performance of a contract or agreement.

Criminal vs. Civil Proceedings: The court determined that the matter should be handled in civil court rather than through criminal prosecution. Criminal proceedings under Section 489-F PPC are not appropriate for enforcing the recovery of amounts where the cheque was issued as security.

Pre-Arrest Bail: Given the nature of the cheque issuance and the legal interpretation, the court found sufficient grounds to confirm the pre-arrest bail for the accused.


For Future Cases: This judgment sets a precedent that cheques issued as security may not constitute a criminal offense under Section 489-F PPC if dishonored, and such cases are better suited for civil litigation.

For Legal Practitioners: This case highlights the importance of understanding the purpose behind the issuance of a cheque and distinguishing between cases that warrant criminal prosecution and those that do not.


The confirmation of pre-arrest bail in this case underscores the court's stance that criminal proceedings should not be used as a means to enforce the recovery of amounts from cheques issued merely as security. Instead, such disputes should be resolved through civil courts.

2016 769 Lhr

S.489-F-PPC. Cheque issued as a security. Recovery of amount could not be effected in criminal proceedings.

Before arrest bail was confirmed.

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