Urdu Legal Terms with Roman Urdu and English Part 3

Urdu Legal Terms with Roman Urdu and English Part 3

Urdu Legal Terms with Roman Urdu and English Part 3

30 Must-Know Urdu Legal Terms: A Quick Glossary for Navigating the System

Urdu Term



عدالت CourtA body authorized to adjudicate disputes and administer justice.
مقدمہ CaseA specific dispute brought before a court for settlement.
جرم CrimeAn act or omission that violates the law and is punishable by the state.
سزا PunishmentThe penalty imposed by the court for a crime.
جج JudgeA presiding officer who hears and decides cases in a court.
وکیل LawyerA person who represents clients in legal matters.
گواہ WitnessA person who testifies about what they saw, heard, or know about a case.
ثبوت EvidenceInformation presented to the court to prove or disprove a fact.
مرافعہ ArgumentThe presentation of a case by lawyers to the court.
فیصلہ JudgmentThe final decision of the court in a case.
اپیل AppealA request to a higher court to review the decision of a lower court.
ضمانت BailThe release of a person accused of a crime before their trial on condition that they appear in court when required.
حراست CustodyThe detention of a person by the police or other legal authority.
قید ImprisonmentThe sentence of confinement in a prison.
جرمانہ FineA monetary penalty imposed by the court as punishment.
دستاویز DocumentA written paper that provides evidence or information.
معاہدہ ContractAn agreement between two or more parties that is enforceable by law.
وراثت InheritanceThe passing of property from a deceased person to their heirs.
وصیت WillA legal document that states how a person wants their property to be distributed after their death.
شادی MarriageA legal union between two people.
طلاق DivorceThe legal dissolution of a marriage.
مِلکیت OwnershipThe legal right to possess and use property.
اجارہ LeaseAn agreement to let someone use property for a specific period in return for rent.
قرض LoanMoney borrowed from one person or institution and repaid with interest.
ٹیکس TaxA mandatory levy imposed by the government on income, property, or other activities.
عدالتی حکم Court OrderA command issued by a court that must be obeyed.
سماعت HearingA formal meeting of the court to hear evidence and arguments from both sides.
انصاف JusticeThe fair and impartial treatment of all individuals before the law.
قانون LawA set of rules and principles that are enforced by the state.
آئین ConstitutionThe supreme law of a country that defines the government's structure and powers.

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