What is the main difference between an old and new life insurance policy?

What is the main difference between an old and new life insurance policy?

What is the main difference between an old and new life insurance policy?

 Differences between Old and New Life Insurance Policies

There are several differences between old and new life insurance policies. Here are some of the main ones:

Policy Terms: 

Old life insurance policies typically have longer terms than new policies. For example, an old policy might have a term of 20 or 30 years, while a new policy might have a term of 10 or 15 years.


Premiums for old life insurance policies may be higher than those for new policies, due to changes in actuarial tables and other factors. However, older policies may also have lower premiums than newer policies, especially if the insured is in good health and has a long life expectancy.


New life insurance policies often offer more coverage options than older policies, such as term life, whole life, and universal life insurance. Older policies may only offer term life insurance.


New life insurance policies may offer more riders or add-ons, such as accelerated death benefit riders or long-term care riders, than older policies.


Underwriting standards for new policies may be more strict than those for older policies, as insurance companies have access to more information and better technology to assess risk.


Overall, it is important to compare the terms, premiums, coverage, riders, and underwriting requirements of old and new life insurance policies to determine which one is the best fit for your needs.

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