Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929

Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929

Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929

Introduction of Child Marriage Restraint Act: 

The Child Marriage Restraint Act, also known as the Sindh Child Marriage Restraint Act, was introduced in Pakistan in 1929. Its primary objective was to put an end to the practice of child marriage in the country. Since its introduction, the Act has been amended several times, with the latest amendment made in 2019.

Minimum age of Marriage under Child Marriage Restraint Act: 

The Act sets the minimum age of marriage for boys and girls at 18 and 16 years, respectively. This means that it is illegal to solemnize a marriage where either of the parties is below the age of 16 years. The Act prohibits the encouragement or facilitation of child marriages in any way.

Penalties and Punishments under Child Marriage Restraint Act: 

The Act imposes penalties on those who are found guilty of violating the law. The penalties for violating the Act include fines and imprisonment, with the severity of the punishment depending on the nature and extent of the offence. The Act also provides for the nullification of any marriage that is found to have been contracted in violation of the law.

Enforcement of the Child Marriage Restraint Act in Pakistan: 

The Act applies to the entire country and is enforced by the local authorities. The police and judiciary are responsible for investigating and prosecuting cases of child marriage. The Act provides for the appointment of Child Marriage Prohibition Officers, who are responsible for monitoring and preventing child marriages in their respective areas.


Despite the existence of the Act, child marriage remains a prevalent issue in Pakistan. According to a report by UNICEF, around 21% of girls in Pakistan are married before the age of 18, while around 3% are married before the age of 15. The reasons for the persistence of this practice include poverty, lack of education, and cultural and traditional beliefs.
Measures taken: 

To address this issue, various measures have been taken in recent years. These include awareness-raising campaigns, strengthening of law enforcement, and providing education and other support services to girls and their families. The government and civil society organizations are working together to implement these measures and ensure that the Child Marriage Restraint Act is effectively enforced.


The Child Marriage Restraint Act is an important piece of legislation in Pakistan that aims to protect the rights of children and prevent child marriages. While there are still challenges in its enforcement, efforts are being made to address these issues and ensure that the Act is effective in achieving its objectives.

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