8 Most Important Laws of Pakistan

8 Most Important Laws of Pakistan


8 Most Important Laws of Pakistan

Major Acts of Pakistan

Constitution of Pakistan:

The Constitution of Pakistan was adopted in 1973, and it defines the structure and functions of the government, as well as the rights and responsibilities of citizens.

Pakistan Penal Code:

The Pakistan Penal Code was enacted in 1860 and provides a comprehensive framework for criminal law in Pakistan. It outlines the various offenses and their punishments.

Anti-Terrorism Act:

The Anti-Terrorism Act was passed in 1997 and provides a legal framework for the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of terrorist activities in Pakistan.

Family Laws in Pakistan:

The family laws in Pakistan include the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, the Hindu Marriage Act, and the Christian Marriage Act. These laws govern issues such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance.

National Accountability Bureau Ordinance:

The National Accountability Bureau Ordinance was enacted in 1999 to combat corruption in Pakistan. The NAB is responsible for investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption and financial crimes.

Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act:

The Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act was passed in 2016 and outlines offenses related to cybercrime and electronic communication. It also provides legal mechanisms for investigating and prosecuting these offenses.

Right to Information Act:

The Right to Information Act was passed in 2013 and guarantees citizens the right to access information held by public bodies in Pakistan. This act is aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in government.

Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act:

The Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act was passed in 2010 and aims to prevent and address sexual harassment of women in the workplace. It provides legal mechanisms for reporting and addressing harassment complaints

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