MCQs on Code of Criminal Procedure (Act V of 1898) with Answers - Test Your Knowledge

MCQs on Code of Criminal Procedure (Act V of 1898) with Answers - Test Your Knowledge

MCQs on Code of Criminal Procedure (Act V of 1898), CHAPTER V OF ARREST,ESCAPE AND RETAKING

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  1. Under Section 46, how should an arrest be made?
    A. By verbal communication only
    B. By a written notice
    C. By actually touching or confining the body of the person
    D. By issuing a warning
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    C. By actually touching or confining the body of the person
  2. What can a police officer do if a person resists arrest under Section 46(2)?
    A. Call for backup
    B. Use all means necessary to effect the arrest
    C. Let the person go
    D. Arrest someone else
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    B. Use all means necessary to effect the arrest
  3. What does Section 47 allow a police officer to do when searching for a person?
    A. Break open doors without permission
    B. Enter any place without a warrant
    C. Demand free ingress and reasonable facilities for a search
    D. Arrest anyone in the house
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    C. Demand free ingress and reasonable facilities for a search
  4. What does Section 48 allow if ingress to a place is not obtainable?
    A. Police must wait outside
    B. Police can break open any door or window after notification
    C. Police must seek a new warrant
    D. Police can enter only with permission
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    B. Police can break open any door or window after notification
  5. Under Section 49, when can a police officer break open doors or windows?
    A. Only during daylight
    B. Only when liberating himself or another person
    C. Only with a warrant
    D. Only after notifying a superior officer
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    B. Only when liberating himself or another person
  6. What does Section 50 state about restraint on the person arrested?
    A. The arrested person must be handcuffed
    B. Restraint should be minimal, only to prevent escape
    C. The arrested person should be tied up
    D. Restraint is not necessary
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    B. Restraint should be minimal, only to prevent escape
  7. Under Section 51, what may an officer do after arresting a person?
    A. Confiscate all belongings
    B. Search the person and place articles in safe custody
    C. Allow the person to keep all belongings
    D. Let the person go if bail is furnished
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    B. Search the person and place articles in safe custody
  8. How should a woman be searched according to Section 52?
    A. By any police officer
    B. By another woman, with strict regard to decency
    C. By a male officer, if no female is available
    D. Not at all
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    B. By another woman, with strict regard to decency
  9. What can an officer seize under Section 53?
    A. Any items of value
    B. Any offensive weapons
    C. Any documents
    D. Nothing, unless instructed
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    B. Any offensive weapons

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