Salient Features of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 with Amendments

Salient Features of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 with Amendments

Salient Features of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 with Amendments

Salient Features of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's 1973 Constitution with Amendments

The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan, drafted after a period of political instability, established an Islamic democratic republic. Here are some of its key features, considering amendments up to 1998:

Islamic Identity:

Preamble and Objectives Resolution: 

Pakistan is declared an Islamic Republic. The Objectives Resolution outlines Islamic principles that guide the government.

State Religion: 

Islam is the state religion, but religious freedom for minorities is guaranteed.

Federal Parliamentary Democracy:

Federal System: 

Power is divided between the federal government and the provinces.

Parliamentary System: 

The Prime Minister is the head of government, chosen by the Parliament and accountable to it.


The President is the Head of State, with some executive powers.

Fundamental Rights:

Equality and Non-discrimination: 

Citizens are equal before the law, regardless of religion, race, or gender.

Fundamental Rights: 

The Constitution guarantees basic rights like freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.

Directive Principles of State Policy: 

These principles guide the government towards social justice, economic well-being, and Islamic values.

Amendments (1994-1998):

Eighth Amendment (1994): 

Enhanced the President's powers, creating a period of semi-authoritarianism.

Thirteenth Amendment (1997): 

Imposed certain Islamic punishments, a controversial move.

Fifteenth Amendment (1997): 

Gave the military a greater role in national security policy.

Eighteenth Amendment (1998): 

A landmark amendment aimed to devolve power to the provinces and strengthen democracy. It weakened the President's powers and restored the balance envisioned in the original constitution.

It's important to note:

The amendments, particularly the Eighth, sparked debate about the balance of power and the role of Islam in the state.
The Eighteenth Amendment is considered a significant step towards a more federal and democratic Pakistan.

Further Exploration:

You can find the full text of the Constitution on the National Assembly website: National Assembly of Pakistan
For a deeper understanding, consider researching specific amendments and their impact on Pakistani politics.

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