لاہور ہائیکورٹ نے
(Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929)
کی دفعہ 2الف کو خلاف آئین قرار دیکر کالعدم قرار دے دیا اور مذید قرار دیا ہے کہ جنس کی بنیاد پر (لڑکے/ لڑکی) بلوغت یا نابالغی کی عمر الگ الگ مقرر نہ کی جا سکتی ہے
In sum, the words in section 2(a) viz. “if a male ….and if a female is under sixteen years of age” being unconstitutional are held to be without lawful authority and of no legal effect. They are struck down.
The Govt. of Punjab (its relevant department) is directed to issue the revised version of 1929 Act (based on this judgment) within the next fifteen days and shall also upload that version on its website for information.
Announced in open Court on 09.04.2024.
W.P No.32798 of 2023
Azka Wahid Versus Province of Punjab & others
Lahigh Court Declares Minimum Marriage Age 18 for All!
The Lahore High Court strikes down discriminatory age limits in the Child Marriage Restraint Act. Boys and girls can now only marry after turning 18. This landmark decision promotes gender equality and protects children from exploitation. Read the full judgement and learn more about its impact!

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