Stages of Criminal Case in Pakistan

Stages of Criminal Case in Pakistan

Stages of Criminal Case in Pakistan

Stages for Criminal Cases in Pakistan under Criminal Procedure Code 1898

The Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.PC.) of 1898 lays out the stages for criminal cases in Pakistan. Here's a simplified breakdown:

1. First Information Report (FIR):  

The process begins with filing an FIR with the police, detailing the alleged crime. This can be done by the victim or someone with knowledge of the offense.

What is An FIR? 

2. Investigation: 

The police investigate the allegations, gather evidence, and may arrest suspects.  The investigation should ideally be completed within 24 hours, with the arrested person brought before a magistrate. 

Stages of Criminal Trial Cr.PC. Activity

3. Charge Sheet (Challan):  

Following the investigation, the police submit a report (challan) to the relevant court. This report details the charges against the accused.

4. Cognizance and Bail: 

The court examines the challan and decides whether to proceed with the case. The accused may be granted bail at this stage.

5. Trial: 

If the court proceeds, a trial is held. The prosecution presents evidence and witnesses, followed by the defense. The accused has the right to legal representation and a fair trial.

6. Judgment: 

After considering the evidence and arguments, the court delivers a judgment. The accused can be acquitted (found not guilty) or convicted (found guilty).

7. Sentence (if convicted): 

If convicted, the court imposes a sentence based on the severity of the crime.

8. Appeal: 

Both the prosecution and the defense have the right to appeal the verdict to a higher court.

It's important to note that this is a general overview, and there can be variations depending on the specific case. The Cr.PC. provides a detailed framework for each stage, ensuring a fair and lawful process.

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