Main Points of the Pakistan Legal Practitioners & Bar Councils Rules, 1976

Main Points of the Pakistan Legal Practitioners & Bar Councils Rules, 1976

Main Points of the Pakistan Legal Practitioners & Bar Councils Rules, 1976

Main Points of the Pakistan Legal Practitioners & Bar Councils Rules, 1976

I. Introduction

  • Framed under the Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973.
  • Regulate the practice of lawyers in Pakistan and the functioning of Bar Councils.
  • Divided into several chapters covering various aspects like elections, discipline, professional conduct, etc.

II. Elections

  • Define eligibility and procedures for electing members of the Pakistan Bar Council and Provincial Bar Councils.
  • Prescribe nomination process, polling, and dispute resolution mechanisms for elections.

III. Discipline and Professional Conduct

  • Outline conduct expectations for lawyers, including maintaining integrity, honesty, and avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Establish procedures for complaints against lawyers, investigations, and disciplinary actions (warnings, suspensions, disbarment).
  • Define grounds for suspension or removal from the roll of advocates.

IV. Bar Councils

  • Regulate the composition, meetings, and functions of the Pakistan Bar Council and Provincial Bar Councils.
  • Specify responsibilities related to maintaining the roll of advocates, issuing certificates, and managing finances.

V. Miscellaneous

  • Cover other matters like fees, maintenance of records, communication procedures, and amendments to the Rules.

Additional Points

  • The Rules have been amended several times since 1976.
  • Some sections may have limited applicability due to subsequent legislation or changes in administrative structure.


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