The Supreme Court of Pakistan Upholds the Practice and Procedure Act, 2023

The Supreme Court of Pakistan Upholds the Practice and Procedure Act, 2023

The Supreme Court of Pakistan Upholds the Practice and Procedure Act, 2023

In a landmark judgment, the Supreme Court of Pakistan has upheld the Practice and Procedure Act, 2023, a piece of legislation that has stirred considerable debate within the country’s judicial and legislative circles. This significant development marks a turning point in Pakistan's legal landscape and has garnered widespread attention. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the details of this verdict and its potential implications for the nation's judicial system.

The Verdict

The Chief Justice of Pakistan announced the decision after a 15-member full-court bench reviewed extensive arguments on the Act’s constitutionality. The bench, consisting of some of the country’s most senior judges, voted in favor of the Act, with ten members deeming the legislation as correct.

The full court declared the petitions filed against the Act as inadmissible by majority opinion. This decision effectively puts to rest the contentious debate surrounding the Act, which has been a subject of intense scrutiny since its inception.

Understanding the Act

The Practice and Procedure Act, 2023, aims to introduce significant changes to the country’s judicial process. It limits the powers of the Chief Justice and establishes a three-member committee for taking suo motu notice. This move is seen as an attempt to decentralize the judicial system and ensure that power doesn’t rest with a single entity.

Moreover, the Act aims to ensure transparent proceedings and includes the right to appeal. It was passed by the joint session of Parliament in April 2021 amidst divided opinions.

Changes Introduced by the Act

  1. Limitation of Chief Justice's Powers: The Act restricts the Chief Justice's influence and authority within the judicial system. This measure is aimed at ensuring that no single entity holds excessive power, promoting a more balanced and accountable system.
  2. Suo Motu Committee: The establishment of a three-member committee for suo motu notice is a significant step towards decentralization. This committee ensures that decisions are made collectively, reducing the possibility of arbitrary judgments.
  3. Transparent Proceedings: The Act emphasizes transparent proceedings, allowing for greater scrutiny of the legal process. This promotes trust and accountability within the judiciary.
  4. The Right to Appeal: By including the right to appeal, the Act enhances the legal system's fairness and provides individuals with recourse if they believe their rights have been violated.

Live Broadcast and Reactions

The hearing on the Act was broadcast live on state-run PTV, allowing millions of Pakistanis to follow the proceedings directly. The Attorney General of Pakistan put forth the government’s arguments in favor of the Act, stating that it does not undermine the independence of the judiciary.

The Chief Justice emphasized the trust between the judiciary and Parliament and discouraged attempts to create differences between them. This statement underscores the need for harmony and cooperation between the country’s institutions, particularly at a time when the nation is grappling with numerous challenges.

Public Reaction

The live broadcast of the hearing allowed for an unprecedented level of public engagement. Citizens from all walks of life had the opportunity to witness the proceedings and form their own opinions. This increased transparency and accessibility were met with widespread support from the public.

Future Implications

The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Practice and Procedure Act, 2023 is likely to have far-reaching implications for Pakistan’s judicial system. It is expected to bring more transparency and accountability to the proceedings and ensure that decisions are made more democratically.

Implications for Transparency

The Act's emphasis on transparency is expected to lead to more confidence in the judicial system. This newfound trust can encourage citizens to participate actively in the legal process, ultimately strengthening the rule of law.

Impact on Government Dynamics

While the Act is a significant step towards decentralization, it may also spark debates about the balance of power within the government. The changes introduced by the Act could potentially reshape the dynamics of Pakistan’s legislative and judicial branches.


The Supreme Court of Pakistan's decision to uphold the Practice and Procedure Act, 2023 represents a pivotal moment in the country's legal history. The Act, with its focus on transparency and accountability, promises to bring significant positive changes to the judicial system. However, the wider implications on government dynamics remain to be seen. As Pakistan moves forward, this landmark decision sets the stage for a more balanced and accountable legal system.

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