Reinstating Employment: Overturning False Corruption Allegations

Reinstating Employment: Overturning False Corruption Allegations

ملازم پر 21 لاکھ 73 ہزار کرپشن کا جھوٹا الزام تھا اور محکمہ نے محض اس وجہ سے نوکری سے برخاست کردیا  چونکہ ملازم نے دوران ریگولر انکوائری رقم لینے کی تردید نہیں کی لہذا ملازم کو محکمہ نے نوکری سے برخاست کردیا۔
مگر پنجاب سروس ٹربیونل نے  اپیل منظور کرتے ہوئے اور ملازم کو نوکری پر بحال کرتے ہوے قرار دیا کہ چاہے ملازم نے دوران جرح الزامات کی تردید نہ بھی کی ہو پھر بھی تمام الزامات ثابت کرنا محکمہ کی ذمہ داری ہے۔

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Reinstating Employment: Overturning False Corruption Allegations
Reinstating Employment: Overturning False Corruption Allegations 1

Reinstating Employment: Overturning False Corruption Allegations 2

If you have been fired from your job due to false corruption allegations, you may be able to get your job back. The first step is to gather evidence to support your claim. This may include:

  • Any documentation that shows you were cleared of the allegations, such as a dismissal of charges or a finding of no wrongdoing by an internal investigation.
  • Witness statements from people who can attest to your innocence.
  • Evidence that the allegations were made in retaliation for something else, such as whistleblowing or participating in union activity.

Once you have gathered your evidence, you should contact your employer and request a meeting to discuss your reinstatement. Be prepared to present your evidence and explain why you believe you were wrongfully terminated. If your employer refuses to reinstate you, you may need to file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or your state labor board.

Here are some additional tips for reinstating your employment after being fired due to false corruption allegations:

  • Be proactive. Don't wait until the statute of limitations has run out to file a complaint.
  • Be honest and transparent with your employer and the EEOC.
  • Be prepared to negotiate. Your employer may be willing to reinstate you with back pay and other benefits, but they may also offer you a different position or a reduced salary.
  • Be patient. The process of getting your job back can take several months or even years.

If you are successful in getting your job back, you may want to consider taking steps to protect yourself from future allegations. This may include:

  • Documenting all of your work communications and interactions with colleagues and clients.
  • Keeping copies of all of your work products.
  • Reporting any suspicious activity to your supervisor or the appropriate authorities.
  • Joining a union or other employee organization that can provide you with support and representation.
Remember, you have rights as an employee, and you should not be fired for false corruption allegations. If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated, contact an employment lawyer to discuss your options.


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