How to Get a Divorce in Pakistan?

How to Get a Divorce in Pakistan?

How to Get a Divorce in Pakistan?

How to Get a Divorce in Pakistan

Table of Contents

Types of Divorce

In Pakistan, there are two main types of divorce: * Talaq: This is a unilateral divorce that can be pronounced by the husband. * Khula: This is a divorce that is initiated by the wife.

Required Documents

The following documents are required for a divorce in Pakistan: * Original and copy of marriage certificate * Original and copy of CNICs of the husband and wife * Original and copy of divorce deed (if applicable) * Affidavits from two witnesses

Steps in the Process

The steps involved in the divorce process in Pakistan vary depending on the type of divorce. However, the general steps are as follows: 1. The husband or wife files a petition for divorce with the Union Council. 2. The Union Council will then issue a notice to the other party. 3. The parties will then appear before the Union Council for mediation. 4. If mediation is successful, the parties will sign a divorce deed. 5. If mediation is not successful, the case will be transferred to the Family Court. 6. The Family Court will then hear the case and make a decision.


**Q: How long does it take to get a divorce in Pakistan?** A: The length of time it takes to get a divorce in Pakistan varies depending on the type of divorce and the circumstances of the case. However, it typically takes several months to complete the process. **Q: What are the costs involved in getting a divorce in Pakistan?** A: The costs involved in getting a divorce in Pakistan vary depending on the type of divorce and the circumstances of the case. However, it typically costs a few thousand rupees to complete the process. **Q: What are the legal rights of women in Pakistan after a divorce?** A: Women in Pakistan have a number of legal rights after a divorce, including the right to maintenance, the right to custody of their children, and the right to property.


Getting a divorce in Pakistan can be a complex process. However, it is important to know your rights and to follow the correct legal procedures. If you are considering getting a divorce, it is important to consult with an experienced lawyer who can help you navigate the process. Click Here to Learn About Basic Pakistani Laws

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