Five Main Sources of Law

Five Main Sources of Law

Dear Readers: In this Article you will Learn about the major sources of law, including statutory law, common law, constitutional law, administrative law, and international law. Explore their definitions, functions, and interactions within the legal system with included Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Major Sources of Law

What are Major Sources of Law?

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The legal system of a country relies on various sources of law to ensure order, justice, and the protection of individual rights. These sources encompass a wide range of rules, regulations, and principles that govern society. Understanding the major sources of law is crucial for legal professionals, students, and anyone interested in the legal framework of a nation.

2. Statutory Law

Statutory law refers to laws enacted by legislative bodies such as parliaments or congresses. These laws are written and codified, creating a formal and binding set of rules for a particular jurisdiction. Statutory law covers a broad range of legal topics, including criminal law, civil law, business regulations, and more. Legislatures have the authority to create, amend, and repeal statutory laws, and these laws are typically published in official legal codes.

3. Common Law

Common law is a legal system based on judicial decisions and precedent established through court rulings. It originated in England and spread to various countries influenced by the British legal tradition. Unlike statutory law, common law is unwritten and evolves through the application of legal principles by judges in specific cases. These precedents set by higher courts become binding on lower courts, forming a body of law that guides future decisions.

4. Constitutional Law

Constitutional law refers to the fundamental principles and rules outlined in a country's constitution. A constitution serves as the supreme law of the land, establishing the framework for government, defining the powers and limitations of various branches of government, and safeguarding fundamental rights and liberties. Constitutional law guides the interpretation and application of the constitution, ensuring that government actions align with its provisions.

5. Administrative Law

Administrative law encompasses the rules and regulations established by administrative agencies or bodies. These agencies are authorized by the executive branch of government and are responsible for implementing and enforcing specific laws within their jurisdiction. Administrative law governs various aspects, including licensing, permits, regulations, and adjudication of disputes related to administrative decisions. It ensures accountability and fair procedures in the actions of government agencies.

6. International Law

International law consists of rules and principles that govern the relationships between nations and other international actors. It encompasses treaties, conventions, and agreements entered into by countries to regulate areas such as human rights, trade, diplomacy, and armed conflict. International law is crucial for promoting cooperation, resolving disputes, and maintaining global order. Treaties and customary practices form the foundation of international law.


Q1: Are these the only sources of law?

A1: No, there are other sources of law as well, including judicial precedents, equity, religious laws, and customary laws. However, the sources mentioned in this article are considered the major and most prominent ones.

Q2: Can these sources of law overlap?

A2: Yes, there can be overlapping between sources of law. For example, constitutional law may influence statutory law, and statutory law can shape administrative regulations. The interplay between these sources can be complex and can vary between different legal systems.

Q3: How do these sources of law interact?

A3: The interaction between sources of law depends on the legal system of a country. Some legal systems, such as those based on common law, heavily rely on judicial precedent, while others prioritize statutory law. Constitutional law serves as a fundamental framework that guides the interpretation and application of other laws.

Q4: Can sources of law change over time?

A4: Yes, sources of law can evolve and change over time. New legislation can be enacted, court decisions can establish new precedents, and constitutional amendments can be made. The dynamic nature of law allows it to adapt to societal changes and emerging legal issues.

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