What is the explanation of Specific Relief Act?

What is the explanation of Specific Relief Act?

The Specific Relief Act 1877

The Specific Relief Act 1877

Table of Contents


The Specific Relief Act 1877 is an important legislation in India that provides remedies for civil wrongs by granting specific relief. It is designed to supplement the remedies available under the Indian Contract Act 1872 and the Indian Penal Code 1860.

Overview of the Act

The Specific Relief Act 1877 is divided into several sections that outline the provisions and procedures for obtaining specific relief. The Act aims to enforce and protect the rights of parties by granting injunctions, specific performance of contracts, and other forms of equitable relief.

Key Provisions

The Act contains various important provisions, including:

  1. Section 10: Contracts that cannot be specifically enforced
  2. Section 12: Specific performance of part of a contract
  3. Section 14: Contracts involving personal skills or qualities
  4. Section 20: Discretion of the court to grant specific performance
  5. Section 26: Injunctions
  6. Section 34: Discretionary power to award compensation in addition to specific relief

Types of Relief

The Act provides for various types of relief, including:

  • Specific Performance: Court-ordered performance of a contractual obligation.
  • Injunction: An order by the court restraining a person from doing a specific act or requiring them to do a specific act.
  • Rectification of Instruments: Correction of mistakes in written instruments, such as contracts or deeds.
  • Rescission of Contracts: Cancellation of a contract due to fraud, misrepresentation, undue influence, or other valid reasons.
  • Declaratory Decrees: Court declarations on the rights and legal positions of parties involved.

Applications and Limitations

The Specific Relief Act 1877 applies to a wide range of civil cases, including contractual disputes, property rights, intellectual property, and personal rights. However, the Act has certain limitations, such as:

  • The Act does not apply to cases where monetary compensation is an adequate remedy.
  • Specific performance is not granted for contracts involving continuous supervision or personal services.
  • The Act does not apply to cases where the contract is of a purely personal nature.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of the Specific Relief Act 1877?

The purpose of the Act is to provide specific remedies for civil wrongs and protect the rights of parties involved in disputes.

Q: What types of relief can be obtained under the Act?

Relief such as specific performance of contracts, injunctions, rectification of instruments, rescission of contracts, and declaratory decrees can be granted under the Act.

Q: Are there any limitations to the Act?

Yes, the Act has limitations such as cases where monetary compensation is sufficient, contracts involving continuous supervision or personal services, and contracts of a purely personal nature.

Q: Which cases does the Specific Relief Act 1877 apply to?

The Act applies to various civil cases, including contractual disputes, property rights, intellectual property, and personal rights.

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