The Process of Filing a Criminal Case in Pakistan

The Process of Filing a Criminal Case in Pakistan

The Process of Filing a Criminal Case in Pakistan

"Fighting for Justice: A Comprehensive Guide to Filing a Criminal Case in Pakistan"

Filing a criminal case in Pakistan can be a complicated and daunting process. However, it is essential for those who have been wronged or have been accused of a crime to have a basic understanding of the steps involved in filing a criminal case. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the process of filing a criminal case in Pakistan.

Table of Contents


Understanding Criminal Law in Pakistan

Types of Criminal Cases in Pakistan

Initiating the Criminal Case

Registering the First Information Report (FIR)

Investigation of the Case

Submission of Challan or Final Investigation Report (FIR)

The Trial Process

Acquittal or Conviction

Appeal Process

Execution of the Sentence

Role of a Lawyer in a Criminal Case

Challenges and Issues in the Criminal Justice System in Pakistan




Filing a criminal case in Pakistan is a process that requires an understanding of the laws and procedures involved. The process can be complicated and time-consuming, but it is important for justice to be served. Criminal cases can range from minor offenses such as theft to more serious crimes such as murder. In any case, the process of filing a criminal case follows a set of procedures that must be followed.

Understanding Criminal Law in Pakistan

Criminal law in Pakistan is derived from the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC), Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC), and the Qanun-e-Shahadat Order (QSO). The PPC provides the laws for defining various criminal offenses and their punishments, while the CrPC outlines the procedures to be followed during criminal trials. The QSO outlines the rules of evidence that are applicable in the courts of law.

Types of Criminal Cases in Pakistan

There are three types of criminal cases in Pakistan:

Compoundable Offenses
Non-Compoundable Offenses

Cognizable Offenses

Compoundable offenses are those where the victim has the power to forgive the accused, and the case can be withdrawn if a settlement is reached between the two parties. Non-compoundable offenses are those where the victim does not have the power to forgive the accused, and the case must be heard by a court. Cognizable offenses are those where the police can arrest the accused without a warrant.

Initiating the Criminal Case

To initiate a criminal case in Pakistan, the victim must approach the police station that has jurisdiction over the area where the crime was committed. The victim must provide a written complaint to the police, which is known as the First Information Report (FIR). The FIR should contain the details of the crime, the date, time and place of the crime, and the name(s) of the accused, if known.

Registering the First Information Report (FIR)

Once the FIR is filed, the police will investigate the case. The police have the power to arrest the accused if they believe there is enough evidence to do so. The police will also collect evidence and record statements of witnesses. If the police do not find enough evidence, they may close the case.

Investigation of the Case

The police will investigate the case to gather evidence and build a case against the accused. The investigation may involve collecting physical evidence, recording statements, and interviewing witnesses. The investigation must be completed within a specific time frame, which varies depending on the nature of the offense.

Submission of Challan or Final Investigation Report (FIR)

Once the investigation is complete, the police will submit a report to the court, known as a challan or a final investigation report (FIR). The challan or FIR contains all the evidence gathered during the investigation, as well as any witness statements. The court will then decide whether to proceed with the trial.

The Trial Process

If the court decides to proceed with the trial, the case will be heard by a judge. The accused will be given a chance to plead guilty or not guilty. If the accused pleads guilty, the judge will determine the punishment. If the accused pleads not guilty, the trial will proceed.

During the trial, both the prosecution and defense will present evidence and call witnesses. The judge will then make a decision based on the evidence presented. If the accused is found guilty, the judge will determine the punishment.

Acquittal or Conviction

If the accused is acquitted, they will be released from custody and the case will be closed. If the accused is convicted, they will be sentenced to a punishment determined by the judge. The punishment can range from a fine to imprisonment.

Appeal Process

If either the prosecution or defense is unhappy with the verdict, they can file an appeal to a higher court. The higher court will review the evidence and make a decision based on the evidence presented. If the higher court overturns the verdict, a retrial may be ordered.

Execution of the Sentence

If the accused is sentenced to imprisonment, they will be sent to a jail to serve their sentence. If the accused is sentenced to a fine, they will have to pay the fine. Failure to pay the fine can result in further punishment.

Role of a Lawyer in a Criminal Case

A lawyer can play a crucial role in a criminal case in Pakistan. They can advise the victim on the legal options available to them and help them navigate the legal system. They can also represent the accused and ensure that their rights are protected during the trial.

Challenges and Issues in the Criminal Justice System in Pakistan

The criminal justice system in Pakistan faces several challenges and issues. Delayed justice, corruption, and lack of resources are some of the main issues. There are also concerns about the fairness of the trials and the treatment of the accused.


Filing a criminal case in Pakistan is a process that requires an understanding of the laws and procedures involved. It is important for justice to be served, and for victims to have a basic understanding of the steps involved in filing a criminal case. However, the criminal justice system in Pakistan faces several challenges and issues that need to be addressed.


What is a criminal case in Pakistan?

A criminal case is a legal proceeding in which a person is accused of committing a crime.

What is an FIR?

An FIR is a written complaint filed with the police by the victim of a crime.

What is a challan?

A challan is a report submitted by the police to the court containing all the evidence gathered during the investigation.2``

Can the accused be released on bail during the trial?

Yes, the accused can be released on bail during the trial if the judge deems it appropriate.

What happens if the accused is found not guilty?

If the accused is found not guilty, they will be released from custody and the case will be closed.

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