Immigration Laws of United States of America (USA)

Immigration Laws of United States of America (USA)

Immigration Laws of United States of America (USA)

Immigration laws of United States of America 


The United States of America has a long history of immigration, and immigration law has evolved over time in response to changing economic, political, and social conditions.

Early Immigration Laws:

Naturalization Act of 1790

Immigration Act of 1882

Quota System:

Emergency Quota Act of 1921

Immigration Act of 1924

Changes in Immigration Law:

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965

Refugee Act of 1980

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

Recent Efforts to Reform Immigration:


Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bills


Immigration policy remains a contentious issue in the United States, and any significant changes to immigration law are likely to be subject to intense debate and political maneuvering. However, a thoughtful and comprehensive approach to immigration reform could help to address many of the challenges facing the United States today.

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