A Comprehensive Note on Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)1898 Pakistan

A Comprehensive Note on Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)1898 Pakistan

A Comprehensive Note on Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C)1898 Pakistan

A Comprehensive Note on Criminal Procedure Code 1898 for Law GAT and Judicial Exams


The Criminal Procedure Code (Cr.P.C) is a law that governs the procedures for the investigation, trial, and punishment of criminal offenses in Pakistan. It was first introduced in 1898 during the British colonial era and has since undergone various amendments.

The following is a comprehensive note on the Criminal Procedure Code 1898 in Pakistan:


The primary objectives of the Cr.P.C are to provide a fair and impartial trial to the accused, to safeguard the rights of the accused, and to ensure that justice is served. It provides a framework for the investigation of crimes, arrest, detention, bail, trial, and sentencing of the accused.


The Criminal Procedure Code 1898 (Cr.P.C) applies to all criminal proceedings in Pakistan, including investigations, trials, and appeals in criminal cases.

Criminal Investigation:

The Cr.P.C outlines the procedures for the investigation of crimes, which includes the registration of First Information Report (FIR) at a police station, the power of the police to investigate, and the rules for the collection of evidence. It also provides guidelines for search and seizure, and arrest of the accused.

Arrest and Detention:

The Cr.P.C sets out the procedures for the arrest and detention of the accused. The police must follow specific rules when making an arrest, and the accused must be informed of the charges against them. The accused has the right to apply for bail, and the court can grant bail based on certain criteria.


The Cr.P.C governs the conduct of the trial and sets out the procedure for the submission of evidence, examination of witnesses, and arguments. The accused has the right to a fair trial and is entitled to legal representation. The court can also appoint a lawyer if the accused cannot afford one.

Judgement and Sentencing:

Once the trial is complete, the court must deliver a judgment. If the accused is found guilty, the court must then decide on the appropriate sentence. The CPC provides guidelines for the types of sentences that can be imposed, including imprisonment, fines, and community service.


The Criminal Procedure Code provides for appeals against convictions and sentences. The appeals can be made to a higher court, and the grounds for appeal include errors of law or facts. The appellate court has the power to uphold or overturn the decision of the lower court.


In conclusion, the Criminal Procedure Code 1898 in Pakistan is a comprehensive law that governs the procedures for the investigation, trial, and punishment of criminal offenses. It sets out the rights of the accused and provides guidelines for the police, prosecution, and the courts to follow. The law is constantly evolving, and amendments are made from time to time to ensure that it is relevant and effective in providing justice to all.

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