What is Difference between an Act, Bill, Ordinance, Rules, Regulations? | Explained

What is Difference between an Act, Bill, Ordinance, Rules, Regulations? | Explained

What is Difference between an Act, Bill, Ordinance, Rules, Regulations? | Explained

Difference between an Act, Bill, Ordinance, Rules, Regulations


In todays Article we will clear some confusions. We will learn what is the difference in a Bill, Act, Ordinance, Rules and Regulation. While hearing all these terms it all looks like similar but it is not similar at all and to understand the difference between them is very simple and easy.

So lets start today's Article.

In this Article you will get to know many interesting details. The very first thing you have to understand that who governs Pakistan ? Central Govt. which we also call as Federal Govt.

As you know that our body needs different organs to function properly, similarly Govt. also has 3 organs:

1. Legislative

2. Executive  

3. Judiciary

Legislative's job is to make laws where as Executive's work is to implement those laws and Judiciary's job is to interpret law, give judgements and maintain peace and order.

So Legislative which we also know as Indian Parliament bodies which comes under it are President, National Assembly of Pakistan.  It embodies the will of the people to let themselves be governed under the democratic, multi-party Federal Parliamentary System. 

Executive work is to administer the country and look after the governance. Supreme Court, High Courts and Subordinate courts comes under Judiciary.

Lets start the main discussion. Suppose a new law has to be made in our country. So how this whole procedure will start?

It will start with a Draft or Policy. So a Draft will be made, which is a starting point some objectives and guidelines related to the new law is mentioned in that Draft now this Draft is presented in both the houses of the Parliament where they discuss the Draft and do voting for the same.

As the Draft is presented in the Parliament it becomes a Bill. Now if this bill get passed by both the houses of the Parliament and President also gives his Assent to the bill then this Bill becomes an Act.

So this is the whole normal Legislative procedure in which the starting point is Draft or policy, then it becomes a Bill and after that it becomes an Act.

So this is the difference between a Bill and an Act and this is the normal Legislative procedure. Now lets know, what is Ordinance?

Before understanding about the Ordinance first let us know how does the Parliament functions. 

So you let me know, do our Parliament means Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha works through out the year?


Actually its not written any where that when Parliament has to take sessions and bring laws. But traditionally there are 3 sessions of the Parliament. 

The 1st is Budget Session which runs from End of January to May.

2nd is Monsoon Session which runs from July to August and the 3rd is Winter session which runs from November to December.

The sessions can be extended and reduced according to the need. Only a normal rule is there, that the gap should not be more than 6 months between any two sessions.


The laws which are passed in our country through normal Legislative procedure, this procedure is practiced in these sessions only. But when Parliament session is not there and due to any emergency if some Law has to be passed urgently, what is done in that case ?

In that case we take help of Ordinance process. So when the Parliament is not there in session we call that period as Recess.

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