Q.1 EXPLAIN THE CABINET SYSTEM IN GREAT BRITAIN WITH ITS FUNCTIONS | What is the role of the Cabinet in UK? | Notes for LLB and Law Graduate Assessment Test

Q.1 EXPLAIN THE CABINET SYSTEM IN GREAT BRITAIN WITH ITS FUNCTIONS | What is the role of the Cabinet in UK? | Notes for LLB and Law Graduate Assessment Test

Q.1 EXPLAIN THE CABINET SYSTEM IN GREAT BRITAIN WITH ITS FUNCTIONS | What is the role of the Cabinet in UK? | Notes for LLB and Law Graduate Assessment Test

What is the role of the Cabinet in UK?

Features of the British Cabinet System


(1) Introduction To British Cabinet:-

In Great Britain, concept of Cabinet was evolved during reign of King George 1. However, modem Cabinet system was developed during 20th century. British Cabinet is main decision-making body of the executive and is the executive committee of British King/Queens Privy Council. In British Cabinet, there are the most senior government ministers and these ministers are called Cabinet-Ministers. 

(2) Composition Of British Cabinet:-

In Great Britain, cabinet is the most effective committee at the center of the British political system and is the supreme decision-making body in government. Following points are important as far as composition of British-Cabinet is concerned:- 

(i) Appointment of ministers (ii) Status of British Prime Minister 

(iii) Distribution of responsibilities and departments among ministers 

(iv) Reshuffling of cabinet (v) Privy Councilors 

(vi) Status of British-Ministers 

(i) Appointment Of Ministers:-British King/Queen usually appoints ministers on advice of Prime Minister. Most of ministers are taken from House of Commons, but some ministers can also be taken from House of Lords. However, it is very rare to take ministers from outside of the Houses of Parliament. 

(ii) Status Of British Prime Minister:-British Prime Minister is not only head of British government, but is also leader of British-Cabinet. Prime Minister is responsible for allocating functions to ministers. Prime Minister chairs meetings of British-Cabinet. 

(iii) Distribution Of Responsibilities and Departments Among Ministers:-It is British Prime Minister, who possesses discretion to allocate responsibilities and departments to ministers. 

(iv) Reshuffling Of Cabinet:-Through reshuffling of cabinet, any change can be brought into composition of British-Cabinet. British Prime Minister possesses power to reshuffle his/her cabinet. 

(v) Privy Councilors:-British-Cabinet is a committee of British King/ Queens Privy Council. Therefore, all members of British-Cabinet are also Privy Councilors. 

(vi) Status Of British-Ministers:-Each minister of British-Cabinet is allotted a government department. Most of ministers of British-Cabinet are generally heads of such government departments. 

(3) Functions Of British Cabinet:-

British-Cabinet is the most effective committee of British government. It is to perform legislative and executive functions. Followings are main functions of British-Cabinet: 

(i) Determination of government-policy 

(ii) Control of national executive 

(iii) Legislative function 

(iv) Determination of finance 

(v) Coordination 

(i) Determination Of Government-Policy:-An important function of British-Cabinet is to determine government policy regarding both national as well as international matters. 

(ii) Control Of National Executive:-British-Cabinet is the supreme national executive. The Cabinet exercises all the executive powers, which are vested in British King/Queen. Cabinet-Ministers preside over the major departments of government and carry out the policies, which are determined by British-Cabinet or approved by British-Parliament. 

(iii) Legislative Function:-It is British-Cabinet, which makes legislative programme at the beginning of every Parliamentary session. The cabinet formulates Bill on all significant matters and introduces these Bills in British Parliament. 

(iv) Determination Of finance:-British-Cabinet is responsible for the whole expenditures of the State. It is also responsible for raising necessary revenues to meet such expenditures. It is British-Cabinet, which initially decides to impose, reduce or abolish taxes. In addition to this, British-Cabinet also prepares annual budget and presents it to British Parliament. 

(v) Coordination:-To create coordination and provide guidance for functions of several departments of government is another function of British-Cabinet. 

(4) Conclusion:-

To conclude, it can be stated that history is repeating itself in Great Britain. Initially, Parliament became dominant over British Monarch by sharing powers with British Monarch. Later on, House of Commons became dominant over House of Lords by sharing powers with House of Lords within Parliament. And now British-Cabinet is becoming dominant over Parliament by sharing powers with Parliament. 

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