Pakistan Penal Code 1860 Notes | Sedition and it's Punishment in Pakistan

Pakistan Penal Code 1860 Notes | Sedition and it's Punishment in Pakistan

Pakistan Penal Code 1860 Notes | Sedition and it's Punishment in Pakistan

Sedition and it's Punishment

1. Introduction

Under Pakistan Penal Code, some acts have been declared as offences against state. Sedition is one of these acts. Usually sedition and treason are intermixed with each other. However, the reality is that these two terms are different from each other. main difference between them is that it is treason and not sedition, which leads to violation of public peace.

2. Definition

According to Pakistan Penal Code, sedition can be defined as doing of certain acts, which cause or attempt to cause hatred or contempt against legally established government or which create or attempt to create disaffection against such government.

3. Explanation of Sedition

Following points are important for further explanation of sedition
(i) Stirring up of rebellion
(ii) To encourage for rebellion
(iii) Terrorism & Public order laws

(i) Stirring up of rebellion
Sedition is considered a mean to stir up rebellion against a legally established government.

(ii) To encourage for rebellion
Out of its purposes, one purpose of sedition is to encourage people for rebellion against a legally established government.

(iii) Terrorism & Public Order Laws
In most of states, laws about sedition somewhat equate to terrorism and public order laws.

(4) Punishment of Sedition

Either of following three different punishment can be awarded against commission of sedition

(i) Life imprisonment and fine
A person, who is convicted of sedition, can be punishment with life imprisonment to which fine can be added.

(ii) Imprisonment and fine
A person, who is convicted of sedition, can be punished with imprisonment, which can extend to seven years, to which fine can be added.

(iii) Fine
A person, who is convicted of sedition, can be punished with fine.


To conclude, it can be stated that most of provisions, which are still present in Pakistan Penal Code, belong to British colonial era. Provision about sedition is also one of them. Although United Kingdom has abolished its sedition law in 2010, yet such law is still enforceable in Pakistan.

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