Detail of Minor Laws Being Implemented in Pakistan | Detail of Basic Pakistani Minor Laws for Law GAT

Detail of Minor Laws Being Implemented in Pakistan | Detail of Basic Pakistani Minor Laws for Law GAT


Detail of Minor Laws Being Implemented in Pakistan | Detail of Basic Pakistani Minor Laws for Judiciary Exams and HEC Law GAT | Higher Education Commission Law Graduate Assessment Test

Here is Detail of Minor Laws being implemented in Pakistan

1.           Administrator generals act, 1913

2.           Admiralty jurisdiction of high courts ordinance, 1980

3.           Adulteration offences (special courts) act, 2003

4.           Agricultural pesticides ordinance, 1971

5.           Air ports security force act, 1975

6.           All-Pakistan services (change in nomenclature) rules, 1973

7.           Alternate dispute resolution rules, 2002

8.           Anti-narcotics force act, 1997

9.           Antiquities (export control) act, 1947

10.         Antiquities act, 1968

11.         Apprenticeship ordinance, 1962

12.         Arbitration (protocol and convention) act, 1937

13.         Asset management companies rules 1995

14.         Bahawalpur cotton control (validation of levy of fees) ordinance,   1967

15.         Bahawalpur development authority act 1991

16.         Balloters, transfer agents and underwriters rules, 2001

17.         Balochistan civil servants (appeal) rules, 1983

18.         Balochistan government servants (conduct) rules, 1979

19.         Banking companies ordinance, 1962

20.         Banking companies rules, 1963

21.         Banking tribunals ordinance, 1984

22.         Banks (nationalization) act, 1974

23.         Bills of lading  act,1856

24.         Board of investment ordinance, 2001

25.         Board of revenue (conduct of appeals and revisions) rules, 1959

26.         Boilers (west Pakistan amendment) ordinance, 1958

27.         Boilers act, 1923

28.         Bonded labour system (abolition) act, 1992

29.         Brokers and agents registration rules, 2001

30.         Cantonments act, 1924

31.         Cantonments pure food act, 1966

32.         Capital issues (continuance of control) act, 1947

33.         Capital issues (exemption) order, 1967

34.         Carriers act, 1865

35.         Cattle-trespass act, 1871

36.         Chartered accountants ordinance, 1961

37.         Civil servants (seniority) rules, 1993

38.         Civil service of Pakistan (composition and cadre) rules, 1954

39.         Coal mines (fixation of rates of wages) ordinance, 1960

40.         Common bonded warehouse (conventional) rules, 1998

41.         Companies (appointment of legal advisers) act, 1974

42.         Companies (appointment of legal advisers) rules, 1975

43.         Companies (appointment of trustees) act, 1972

44.         Companies (appointment of trustees) rule, 1973

45.         Companies (asset backed securitization) rules, 1999

46.         Companies (foreign interests) act, 1918

47.         Companies (invitation and acceptance of deposits) rules, 1987

48.         Companies (management by administrator) rules, 1993

49.         Companies (registration offices) regulations, 1986

50.         Companies (registration offices) regulations, 2003

51.         Companies (rehabilitation of sick industrial units) rules, 1999

52.         Corporation employees (special powers) ordinance, 1978

53.         Cotton ginning and pressing factories act, 1925

54.         Cotton industry (statistics) act, 1926

55.         Cotton transport act,1923

56.         Credit rating companies rules, 1995

57.         Criminal laws reform ordinance, 2002

58.         Customs act, (adaptation) order, 1980

59.         Cutting of trees (prohibition) act, 1975

60.         Cutting of trees (prohibition) act, 1992

61.         Dangerous cargoes act, 1953

62.         Debit and credit note and destruction of goods rules

63.         Defence housing authority lahore ordinance 1999

64.         Defence of Pakistan ordinance, 1965

65.         Diplomatic and consular privileges act, 1972

66.         Dock labourers act, 1934

67.         Dramatic performances act, 1876

68.         Duty and tax remission for export rules, 2001

69.         Economic reforms order, 1972

70.         Electronic data protection act 2005

71.         Enemy foreigners order, 1965

72.         Epidemic diseases act,1958

73.         Explosives act, 1884

74.         Export oriented units rules, 1998

75.         Export policy and procedures order 2000

76.         Export policy order 2005

77.         Extradition act, 1972

78.         Factories act, 1934

79.         Federal investigation agency act, 1974

80.         Federally administered tribal areas (application of laws) regulation, 1975

81.         Foodstuffs and fertilizers (cancellation of authorizations and dealerships) ordinance, 1978

82.         Foreign assets (declaration) regulation, 1972

83.         Foreign marriage act, 1903.

84.         Foreign relations act, 1932

85.         Forest act, 1927

86.         Good conduct prisoners probational release act, 1926

87.         Greater lahore water supply, sewerage and drainage ordinance, 1967

88.         Identification of prisoners act, 1920

89.         Hindu gains of learning act, 1930

90.         Import policy order, 2005

91.         Import trade and procedure  order, 2000

92.         Imports and exports (control) act, 1950

93.         Islamabad (preservation of landscape) ordinance, 1966

94.         Islamabad capital territory.(zoning) regulation, 1992

95.         Islamabad rent restriction ordinance, 2001

96.         Judicial officers protection act, 1850

97.         Karachi building control lincencing regulations, 1982

98.         Kazis act, 1880

99.         Land improvement loans act, 1883

100.       Land reforms regulation, 1972

101.       Law commission ordinance, 1979

102.     Law reforms ordinance, 1972

103.     Law reports act, 1875

104.     Loans for agricultural purposes act, 1973

105.     Lunacy act, 1912

106.     Maintenance of public order ordinance, 1960

107.     Margin trading rules, 2004

108.     Maritime security agency act, 1994

109.     Miani sahib graveyard ordinance, 1962

110.     Notaries ordinance, 1961

111.     Oaths act, 1873

112.     Official secrets act, 1923

113.     Pakistan girl guides association ordinance, 1960

114.     Pakistan merchant shipping ordinance, 2001

115.     Pakistan naturalization rules, 1961

116.     Pakistan plant quarantine act, 1976

117.     Pakistan rangers ordinance, 1959

118.     Passport (offences) act, 1952

119.     Passports act, 1974

120.     Patents ordinance 2000

121.     Pay-as-you-earn scheme act, 1973

122.     Payment of wages act, 1936

123.     Pharmacy act, 1967

124.     Port qasim authority act, 1973

125.     Ports act, 1908

126.     Powers-of-attorney act, 1882

127.     Press council of Pakistan ordinance, 2002

128.     Prevention of gambling act, 1977

129.     Prevention of road accidents order, 978

130.     Prevention of smuggling act, 1977

131.     Prisoners act, 1900

132.     Prisons act, 1894

133.     Probation of offenders ordinance, 1960

134.     Proclamation of emergency 1999

135.     Protection of economic reforms act, 1992

136.     Punjab abolition of jagirs act, 1952

137.     Punjab borstal act, 1926

138.     Punjab consolidation of holdings ordinance, 1960

139.     Punjab consumer protection act 2005

140.     Punjab copying fees act, 1936

141.     Punjab cotton control ordinance, 1966

142.     Punjab council of the arts act, 1975

143.     Punjab development of cities act,1976

144.     Punjab electricity act, 1939

145.     Punjab forest act, 1999

146.     Punjab heritage foundation act 2005

147.     Punjab highways authority act, 1989

148.     Punjab katchi abadis act, 1992

149.     Punjab land preservation act, 1900

150.     Punjab pure food ordinance, 1960

151.     Punjab small industries corporation act, 1973

152.     Punjab soil reclamation act, 1952

153.     Punjab suppression of prostitution ordinance, 1961

154.     Punjab survey and rectangulation of lands ordinance, 1959

155.     Punjab tenancy act, 1887

156.     Punjab text book board ordinance, 1962

157.     Railways act, 1890

158.     Reformatory schools act, 1897

159.     Registered designs ordinance, 2000

160.     Registered layout designs of integrated circuits ordinance, 2001

161.     Registration act, 1908

162.     Registration of foreigners (exemption) order, 1966

163.     Registration of foreigners act, 1939

164.     Registration of foreigners rules, 1966..

165.     Religious societies act, 1880

166.     Removal of accused persons act, 1973

167.     Retailers enlistment tax rules, 2000

168.     Revenue recovery act, 1890

169.     Securities and exchange ordinance,1969

170.     Seed act, 1976

171.     Service tribunals act, 1973

172.     Simplified sales tax rules, 1999

173.     Societies registration act, 1860

174.     Soldiers (litigation) act, 1925

175.     Special courts for speedy trials  act, 1992

176.     Special procedure for jewellers rules, 2001

177.     State bank of Pakistan act, 1956

178.     Succession act, 1925

179.     Sugar factories control act, 1950

180.     Sugar industry (cost accounting records) order, 2001

181.     Suits valuation act,1887

182.     Surrender of illicit  arms  ordinance 1991

183.     Surrender of illicit arms act , 1991

184.     Tajdeed-e-lahore board ordinance, 2002

185.     Tax-payers (authorized representative) rules, 2001

186.     Telegraph act, 1885

187.     Terrorist affected areas (special courts) act, 1992

188.     Town improvement act, 1922

189.     Trade marks act, 1940

190.     Trade marks ordinance 2001

191.     Trade marks rules, 1963

192.     Transfer of property act, 1882

193.     Travel agencies act, 1976

194.     Trusts act, 1882

195.     Turnover tax rules, 1999

196.     Vaccination act, 1880

197.     Venture capital companies and fund managers rules, 1995

198.     W.p. general clauses act 1956

199.     Wealth tax act, 1963,

200.     Weights and measures of capacity act, 1871

201.     West Pakistan (adaptation and repeal of laws) act, 1957

202.     West Pakistan agricultural bank (recovery of dues) ordinance, 1959

203.     West Pakistan board of revenue act, 1957

204.     West Pakistan border area regulation 1959 (punjab amendment) ordinance, 1981

205.     West Pakistan epidemic diseases act, 1958

206.     West Pakistan goats (restriction) ordinance, 1959

207.     West Pakistan goats restrictions rules 1961

208.     West Pakistan laws (adaptation) order, 1964

209.     West Pakistan prohibition of opium smoking ordinance, 1960

210.     West Pakistan publication of books (regulation and control) ordinance, 1969

211.     West Pakistan redemption and restitution of mortgaged lands act, 1964

212.     West Pakistan relief of indebtedness ordinance, 1960.

213.     West Pakistan rice (restriction on cultivation) ordinance, 1959

214.     West Pakistan urban immovable property tax act, 1958

215.     West punjab alienation of land act,1900

216.     Whipping act, 1909

217.     White phosphorus matches prohibition act, 1913

218.     Wild bird and animals protection, act, 1912

219.     Wireless telegraph act, 1933

220.     Workers children (education) ordinance, 1972

221.     Workers welfare fund ordinance, 1971

222.     Workers welfare fund rules, 1976

223.     Workmen’s compensation act, 1923

 Detail of Minor Laws Being Implemented in Pakistan | Detail of Basic Pakistani Minor Laws for Law GAT, Notes for Law Exams

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