Q 1. What are different kinds of legal rights?

Q 1. What are different kinds of legal rights?


After their birth, human beings realized that they could be helpful for one another by cooperating with one another and by working for one another. This cooperation and working developed concepts of rights and obligations.
The origin of every right of a man leads to origin of an obligation for other men. Here the basic philosophy is that there can be no right where there is no duty. Shortly speaking, right of a man is duty of another man.

(2) Definition of Right:-

Right means any claim or interest, which is secured to a person through law or morality. In some broader meanings, right can be defined as such interest, which is accepted and secured through constitution. Thus, a saved interest is called right.

(3) Kinds of Right:-

Right can be classified into following kinds:-

i) Absolute right

ii) Accessory right

iii) Contingent right

iv) Equitable right

v) Fundamental right

vi) imperfect right

vii) Inheritable right

viii) International right

ix) Legal right

x) Municipal right

xi) Natural right

xii) Negative right

xiii) Ordinary right

xiv) Perfect right

xv) Personal right

xvi) Political right

xvii) Positive right

xviii) Primary right

xix) Principal right

xx) Private right

xxi) Proprietary right

xxii) Public

xxiii) Real right

xxiv) Real in Repropria

xxv) Right in aliena

xxvi) Secondary right

xxvii) Vested right

xxviii) Inheritable right

i) Absolute right:-
Absolute right means a right that belongs to every human being such as the right of personal liberty. this is a kind of natural right. Sometimes, it is also termed as unqualified right and this unqualified right can not be denied or curtailed except under specific conditions.

ii) Accessory right:-
Accessory right is that right, which is in connection with some other rights; it is kind of supplementary right, which is added to main right.

iii) Contingent right:-
A right, which is dependent upon an uncertain event or happening of an event in future, is called contingent right.

iv) Equitable right:-
Courts of equity recognize some rights and these rights are called equitable rights.

v) Fundamental right:-
A fundamental right is that right, which is derived from natural right and is often guaranteed by constitution.

vi) imperfect right:-
A right, which is recognized by law but is not enforceable due to some legal difficulties, is called imperfect right. However, such right can be converted into perfect right.

vii) Inheritable right:-
A right, which survices even after death of a person, and which is transferred to deceased heirs, is called inheritable right.

viii) International right:-
International right is that kind of right, which is recognized by international law.

ix) Legal right:-
A right, which is created and recognized by law, is called legal right.

x) Municipal right:-
Right, which is recognized by municipal law of a state and which belongs to citizens of this state, is called municipal right.

xi) Natural right:-
A right, which is conceived as a part of natural law, is called natural right.

xii) Negative right:-
Negative right means a right, which entities a person to refrain another person from doing some act, which can harm this person.

xiii) Ordinary right:-
In contradiction to fundamental right, there exists ordinary right. Main difference between an ordinary right and fundamental right is that fundamental right is often confirmed by constitution.

xiv) Perfect right:-
Perfect right means a right, which is recongnized by law and is fully enforceable.

xv)Personal right Or Right in Personam:-
Personal right or right in personam is that right, which forms part of a persons legal status.

xvi) Political Right:-
Political right can be defined as a right to participate in establishment or administration of government. For example, right to vote or right to hold public office is political right.

xvii) Positive right:-
Positive right means a right, which entitles a person to have another person to do some act for his benefit.

xviii) Primary right:-
Right such as not to be defamed or assulted is called primary right. Such right is prescribed by substantive law.

xix)Principal Right:-
Principal right is that right, to which supplementary right is added and which exists independently of other rights.

xx)Private Right:-
Private right can be described as a right, which is personal one and is opposed to a right of public or state.

xxi)Proprietary Right:-
A proprietary right means that right, which is part of a persons estates, assets, or property.

xxii)Public Right:-
A right which belongs to all citizens of a state, is called public right.

xxiii) Real righ:-
A real right is conneected with a thing rather than a person . A real right can be ownership, mortgage etc.

xxiv) Right in Repropria-:-
Right in repropria is a right, which a person has in respect of his/her own property.

xxv) Right in Aliena:-
Right in aliena is a right, which a person has in respect of another persons property.

xxvi)Secondary Right:-
Secondary right means a right, which is to provide remedy or relief against some damage which is caused to some primary right.

xxvii)Vested Right:-
Vested right means a right, which so completely and definitely belongs to a person that no further condition or event is needed to happen for vesting of this right and it can not be impaired or taken away without consent of the person.

xxviii) Inheritable right:-
If a right dies with death of that person to whom it belongs, then such right is called unheritable right. Such kind of right can not be further transferred especially after death of that

4) Conclusion:-

To conclude, it can be stated that there are several kinds of right, but three factors play very significant role in its classification: if right is accepted by law, then such right is called legal right; if right is recognized through principles of Nature or natural law, then such right is called natural right; and if right is confirmed by public at large or by moral ethics, then such right is moral right. 

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