ibid. – Essential for writing legal research papers.

in curia- In court

in loco parentis– Means In the place of a parent, basically a guardian.

in pari materia- In the same matter

in re- Means in the matter .

ipso facto-Means by the fac t itself.

Audi alteram partem: Hear the othe r side.

Ignorantia facti excusat, ignorantia juris no n excusat: Ignorance of fact excuses, ignorance of law does not excuse.

De minimis lex non curat: The law does not notice trifling matters.

lacunae-Oh well, everyone has those!

lis pendens- Suit pending

locus standi– Basically de termines why a particular person is coming to court to seek relief.

male fide- Those intentions!

modus operandi– You alread y know this one.

mutatis mutandis- In simple words, having bee n changed that which needed to be changed.

noscitur a sociis- An ambiguous word or term can be clarified by considering the whole conte xt in which it is used,

without having to define the term itself.

obiter dictum-Not the judgment but the observations made by the court.

Ubi jus ibi remedium: This translates as there is no right without remedy .

pacta sunt servanda – Also part of International Law . Basically means a greements must be kept

ratio decidendi- The point in a legal proceeding, or the legal precedent so involved, which led to t he final decision

being what it was.

res judicata- A ma tter that has been finally adjudicated, meaning no further appeals or legal actions by the involved

parties is now possible

sui generis-When a spe cial and unique interpretation of a case or authority is found to be necessary.

supra-Also used to increase the number of citations in a legal research paper like Ibid

Volenti non fit injuria: An injury is not done to one that consents to it.

Stare decisis: To stand by decisions.

Quod per me non possum, nec per a lium: What a person cannot do by himself, he cannot do through another


Pacta p rivata juri publico non derogare possunt: A private contract cannot derogate from the law.

Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa: No one can be a judge in his own cause. 

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